Long stay At Vestjyllands Højskole
There are 20 subjects to choose from when you create your schedule.
There is a wide selection of subjects within crafts, art, performance writing, agriculture, outdoor life, dance and music – and whatever you choose, there is room for immersion and creativity.
In our spare time, we jointly create the framework that makes college life special.Impulsive ideas quickly turn into winter bathing, movie nights, saunas, runs, yoga, singing evenings, board games, parties, dance workshops and much more.

Vestjyllands Højskole facilities are always open
Here you will find, among other things, the climbing wall, the training room, the library, the music room, the round house and the dance hall, the workshops for textiles, ceramics, wood and art are open to the course participants who are registered for the teams.
Vestjyllands Højskole has students from all over the world.
Most students are Danish, and our main language is Danish.
Each team has around 10-15 international students.
The morning meetings are translated live into English, and the teaching takes place in both Danish and English. In this way, as a student at Vestjyllands Højskole, you become part of an international community.