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Courses and Subjects

17 and 22-week courses

At Vestjyllands Højskole, you can compose your schedule from among all our subjects.

You can focus all your classes in one direction, such as dance, sustainability, or art. You can also choose to try many different classes. You can start the day with "ceramics" and join "musicality" in the afternoon. You choose your classes after arrival.

Courses may change. 

On long courses, you can mix the subjects as you wish. It just has to fit with the weekly schedule.

Vestjyllands Højskole

Skraldhedevej 8

6950 Ringkøbing


Tlf (+45) 9675 3777

mandag - torsdag 9.00 - 15.00
fredag 9.00 - 13.00


CVR: 68691451

P-nummer: 1002278673

EAN-nummer: 5790002643927
Bank: 7670 2027873

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