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About the subject

In the outdoor class, we work with the tools, techniques, and skills you need to navigate nature, live off the land, reside in it, enjoy it, and take care of it.

This might include mountain biking, horseback riding, surfing, kayaking, or sailing. During the course, we move through nature, using compasses and maps to locate hidden spots and great campsites.

We experiment with poles and shelters, and we create a cozy base in the forest with a sweat lodge, kitchen, toilet, and maybe even a suspension bridge. You’ll try your hand at building and lighting the perfect campfire and learn all the little tricks that make time in nature more enjoyable and comfortable.

We prepare meals using ingredients we can gather, harvest, fish, or catch from our surroundings.

With the Outdoor Living course, you spend a full day each week outside. The schedule allows us to camp overnight in nature, and time is set aside for a field trip.

Kristoffer Brun Gram

Your teacher

Kristoffer Brun Gram

Kristoffer is an outdoorsman to the core, passionate about all forms of outdoor activities. He is an avid gardener and chicken keeper. A true charcuterie enthusiast, he always has some piece of meat aging in his drying cabinet for at least six months. Over the past few years, Kristoffer has refined his blackcurrant wine made from the garden’s berries and brews beer using hops from the Garden of Wonder. As a native of Southern Jutland, Kristoffer aims to share the regional tradition of salted eggs—solæg—with a wider audience.

Vestjyllands Højskole

Skraldhedevej 8

6950 Ringkøbing


Tlf: (+45) 9675 3777



mandag - torsdag 9.00 - 15.00
fredag 9.00 - 13.00

CVR: 68691451

P-nummer: 1002278673

EAN-nummer: 5790002643927
Bank: 7670 2027873

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