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Practical Permaculture

About the Course

In the Practical Permaculture course, we practise applying permaculture thinking in practice.

You'll get your fingers deep in the soil and plant, sow and work with the school's forest garden. You will look after the school's sheep and ducks and help shape the school through garden work and practical experiments.


During the spring, we will, among other things, make a bed with historic plants for plant dying. We will be scything and making hay. We will build, grow and have fun in the garden, learn about bees, grow mushrooms and make compost.

The course is primarily outdoors, so you must be prepared to be outside in all kinds of weather!

Arendse Gulløv

Your teacher

Arendse Gulløv

Is passionate about green transition and social justice and has worked with permaculture and regenerative agriculture for over eight years.
She is a trained organic farmer from Norway with a degree in environmental planning from RUC.

Arendse is passionate about soil and micro life, self-sufficiency and climate change. She has worked on a farm in Iceland and helped start two permaculture farm collectives in Norway and Denmark.

She has worked full-time in farming, self-sufficiency, traditional crafts, and building.

Arendse Gulløv
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