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Textile Skills


In the subject we explore the very slow textile craft, which can only be done by hand and without the use of electrical machines.


We will explore different textile traditions and techniques, especially weaving, mending, knitting and spinning. ​ Along the way, we enjoy the calm, immersion and presence that arises when we engage in the repetitive, slow and meditative craft.


We remove the focus from the results and focus on the process and the joy of creating, both for ourselves and in the community. ​


In all courses, we focus on working with recycled materials and raw wool from local sheep. You will thus experience how the existing resources can be transformed into a multitude of functional as well as artistic textile items, as well as the role that traditional and slow craftsmanship can play in a modern world. ​


Regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or already have experience with some of the textile pursuits, there will be ample opportunity to be challenged in various ways. ​


In the classes, you will be introduced to various techniques, and at the same time have plenty of time to immerse yourself in independent projects.


Nina Hulgaard


Educated in textile design, craft and communication from Copenhagen University of Applied Sciences.


Nina has previously taught textile-related subjects at secondary school, free school and at the ancient center Sagnlandet Lejre and has been involved in costume and prop production for various theater and opera performances.


She has also done workshops on the upcycling of textiles in a green project community and worked as a seamstress at a slow-fashion brand.


As a teacher, Nina is particularly interested in how the textile craft can contribute to sustainable and cultural-historical education.


She is particularly specialized in old craft techniques and is passionate about contributing to an increased awareness of the materials, tools and processes that have been part of the creation of clothes and textiles since ancient times. "In our everyday life, we are surrounded by textiles. But for most it is still a mystery where the textiles actually come from and how they are created.


I would like to help unravel that mystery when we dive right into the life cycle of clothes and try our hand at all the techniques linked to this. At the same time, we investigate how the cycle can continue indefinitely, so that we avoid overconsumption and unnecessary waste of resources.

Through upcycling and repair, we must find the beauty in the worn and experiment with how existing materials can be put together in new and functional ways." ​

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